Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Internet is an interconnected network computer or a global collection of networks, that makes life easy, and brings the people more closer. By internet you can get information millions of information from other country or any information you need to know. Connecting and communicating through the Internet can be one of the most effective and simple way to use technology. On the other hand connecting and communicating through the Internet can be a frustrating experience for both the teacher and students if there is a lack of understanding and organization regarding the expectations of the experience. The frustration may stem from a lack of technical support or lack of understanding.

More and more schools are using the Internet to learn about things that can't be taught in a regular classroom. Internet can provides information’s, images and computer software. There is so much that students can do with the Internet they can gain from others' knowledge and experiences, share ideas and solutions and learn about the many diverse cultures out there. It is also allows availability to everyone regardless in resources, gender, income and race. This could have a negative effect since people will act in certain ways because the Internet offers so much freedom, you can find your ideal self much easier, but it's not the same as your social self. As a result of information and freedom, the Internet has become an unbreakable addiction for individuals and society. Computers are as common as televisions in households; in addition, laptops and Internet-ready cell phones enable the Internet to travel with us. Indeed, internet nowadays plays important roles especially in students and business field and on how we communicate with our love ones where ever they are, and one way to make new friends.

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